Institutions Continue Workflow Validation

Institutions have access to Alma and Primo OPAC test environments and continue testing workflow scenarios. Institutional project teams hope to work through hundreds of scenarios for Alma and Primo prior to an upcoming workflow workshop in February. Also, many of our institutions are testing external authentication and the patron load process. If you have any questions about your institution's implementation and testing, please consult with you institutional leads.

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Institutions Complete Data Validation

The institutions recently completed validating the data migrated from Voyager to Alma. Please check with your institutional leads if you wish to receive an update on this specific effort. This was a huge accomplishment! We now begin testing workflow scenarios. The institutional project teams were provided a list (created by the vanguards) of hundreds of workflows that need to be tested. Some of these workflows will apply to each institution and some will not. If you have a specific workflow that you need to ensure works for your institution, please let your lead know.

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GIL Alma Implementation Workflow Workshop Registration

This three day event will focus on best practices usage of Alma. Trainers from the product vendor, Ex Libris, will be onsite to train institutional leads and project team members. The training will focus on the workflows found in library management such as Acquisitions, Fulfillment, and Cataloging. The workshop will be infused with consortia related decisions, policies, and processes. A detailed daily agenda will be posted by early December. The deadline to register is January 20th, 2017.

Workflow Workshop Agenda Updated (02/06/2017)

Tuesday, February 14, 2017 (registration 9:00am - 10:00am) through Thursday, February 16, 2017

UGA Center for Continuing Education & Hotel
1197 South Lumpkin Street, Athens, GA 30602
United States

Three days: $197
(Required for institutional leads, implementation team, and select GIL staff)
(Optional for additional resources at your institution)

Registration is Closed.

Georgia Center Information
Georgia Center Parking Information

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