Data Cleanup In Progress!

The Institutional Leads for the GIL Alma Implementation Project are currently identifying tasks necessary to cleanup Voyager data prior to the migration. A spreadsheet has been created that details the items each institution should address. This document is constantly updated with the latest sql statements and tips/tricks submitted by our community. Check with your institutional lead if you have any questions regarding how this effort might affect you and your institution.

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Institutions To Participate In Project Management Training on December 8th and 9th!

Leads from each institution will be participating in project management training over the course of two days in Macon, Georgia. On December 8th and 9th, these liaisons will attend courses on Project Management Essentials, Change Leadership & Facilitation, and Project Leader Facilitation Skills. The skills learned during these sessions should translate well as we collectively prepare for the transition to a new library management system around May 2017.

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The Vanguard Institutions Hold Kickoff

The G3 Alma Implementation Team met with the three vanguard institutions on 11/19 to officially kickoff a new phase of the project. The vanguard institutions are Georgia Southern University, University of Georgia, and Valdosta State University. These institutions, along with the Implementation Team, will begin Alma training and preparation for a test Voyager to Alma data migration and Alma configuration. This smaller initial test phase will provide valuable information to better prepare us for the testing phase of all institutions.

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