Full Steam ahead on FOLIO

The FOLIO Implementation Project is at full speed now that we are within a year of go-live. The Implementation Team has been focused on Circulation for the past month. The circulation staff at USG institution will be busy for the next few months crafting circ policies in FOLIO. As the institutions are completing these tasks, the Implementation Team will next focus on the cataloging portion of the project.

We are also underway with two pilots for the project. The first is Bibliograph (which is included with our EBSCO contract) and promises to enhance the portability, visibility, and value of our member libraries' catalogs. A plan will be developed shortly to outline rollout of Bibliograph to the remainder of our institutions. The second pilot is regarding EBSCO Holdings Management (HLM). HLM is the EBSCO product for managing and adding electronic resources. GIL is partnering with VSU to develop and document processes to share with the other institutions.

We also have a team working on an RFI for a Course Reserves/Course Management Integration solution. Requirements have been finalized by the committee, and the RFI will be posted soon.

GIL Kicks off FOLIO Implementation at GUGM

Over 150 Librarians accross the state met in Macon, Georgia to officially kickoff the GIL FOLIO Implementation.  The annual GIL Users Group Meeting (GUGM) was held on May 14 and featured keynotes from EBSCO leadership.  Participants had the opportunity to see project plans, discuss concerns, and ask questions directly to EBSCO representatives. The GIL Consortia expects to go-live with FOLIO during the Summer of 2025.  To see additional information from the conference, please visit: https://gil.usg.edu/conference

The GIL Users Group Meeting will take place May 13-14, 2024

The first day will be dedicated to groups directly involved in the implementation of FOLIO. The second day will be a general setup, with a keynote speaker and session tracks for attendees.

We have secured a hotel block nearby for May 13-14. This is attended for use by the USG FOLIO implementation team. For more details, see the Gugm Website.

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