Additional GIL Alma Implementation Information

Alma Implementation Management Structure and Governance

  1. RACL

  2. RACL Exec (Implementation Policy Review)

  3. Project Director
    1. Project manager/coordinator
    2. Communication role
    3. Project website management
    4. Interface with Ex Libris for Alma Implementation
  4. Implementation Team (12-14 members)
    1. Core Implementation Group
       - GIL/GALILEO Staff
    2. GIL Coordinating Committee Chair / RACL VC/Chair-Elect
    3. Functional Area Team Leaders
    4. USG Library Services (Ex Officio)
  5. Functional Area Implementation Teams
    1. Acquisitions/Serials/ERM
    2. Cataloging/Metadata
    3. Fulfillment (Circ, ILL, GIL Express)
    4. Assessment/Analytics
    5. OPAC/Discovery
  6. Other Resources/Expertise Needed  - Authority control, Special Collections, Archives, Gov Docs, other?

  7. Institution Leads
    1. Primary & Secondary (Backup)
    2. Roles  - Institutional lead for the implementation project
       - Communication coordination and contact for distribution of documentation, training, and other information
  8. Technical Colleges - TBD

  9. GIL Coordinating Committee / GUGM Planning Committee / GIL Functional Committees - Continue as is!

  10. On-going Structure/Governance after Implementation?
    - Will need to consider how this structure should evolve after implementation

RACL agreed on these at the June 23, 2015 online meeting.

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